
travel guide of Kuchino-erabu island

        891-4208 Kuchi-Erabu Island, Yakushima-cho


The Erabu Senior Group was established as a non-profit environmental protection group in 2012 by several elderly islanders. The group has been active in trying to protect the natural environment so that people can continue to live on the Kuchinoerabu-jima and enjoy its rewards.

Caretakers of the Erabu Senior Group
 Role  Name
Representative Mr. Toshiyuki GOTOU
Secretary-general Dr. Hidemasa YAMAGUCHI

Address: Kuchinoerabu-jima 1232-3, Yakushima-cho, Kagoshima Prefecture,
      Japan, 891-4208
Phone: 090-5886-2537
Email: erabu.info@gmail.com

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